Easy Steps to Automate Logins with Selenium

2 min readApr 9, 2024


Automated Login?

Want to skip the login steps on websites? Here’s how you can make a computer do it for you using Selenium, a tool that acts like a robot for web browsers.

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Step 1: Get Ready with Selenium

First, you need two things: Selenium and a WebDriver (like ChromeDriver for Google Chrome). These help your computer control the browser.

pip install selenium webdriver_manager

Step 2: Go to the Login Page

Tell Selenium to open your browser and go to the login page you want to automate. I’ll try this test on Duolingo’s login page this time.

from selenium import webdriver
driver = webdriver.Chrome() # Or use another browser
driver.get("https://www.duolingo.com/?isLoggingIn=true") #duolingo login page

Step 3: Find Where to Type

Look for where to put your username and password on the page. You can find these spots by their name, ID, or even where they are on the page (XPath).

username_input = driver.find_element(By.ID, "web-ui1")
password_input = driver.find_element(By.ID, "web-ui2")

Step 4: Type Your Info

Make Selenium type your username and password into the right spots.


Step 5: Log In

Find the login button and click it to log in.

login_button = driver.find_element_by_xpath("//button[@type='submit']")


And that’s it! These steps let your computer log in for you. It’s great for when you have to log in a lot. But remember, always use it in a way that’s okay with the website’s rules.

Run code with Python

As you can see in the video, when the Python code is executed, the Chrome driver automatically opens the Duolingo site. In the case of Duolingo, if you have an account, you need to select the option for existing users to enter the login window, so one more click code needs to be prepared. Once that’s ready, the automation is complete!

This guide keeps it simple, showing you the basics of making your computer log into websites by itself. With a bit of practice, you can use these steps for many different tasks online.




A web developer crafting online experiences. Also football(soccer) coach and Spanish Learner.