How to Query WooCommerce Purchase Data using SQL in WordPress

4 min readSep 5, 2023


It’s not too difficult to retrieve WooCommerce order data from the WordPress database. Today, I want to share with you my experience in solving this problem. Since I’m a front-end developer, I’m not very familiar with queries yet. I hope you understand my situation. If you have any better approaches, please feel free to leave a comment.

It was a cloudy afternoon when I was asked to tackle this query task. It was a simple task.

“I want to identify the users who made more than 50 purchases between 2020 and 2023.”

— Book Publishing Manager

So, I began to build my query.

Design the structure of the query

I have divided my query into four parts:

  1. OrderInfo: This part gathers order information from January 1, 2020, to December 31, 2023.
  2. CustomerPurchase: This section fetches product information based on the data in the ‘OrderInfo’ table.
  3. CustomerPurchaseCount: This portion calculates the number of purchases made by each customer.
  4. The final step is to output the email addresses along with the respective number of purchases made by each customer.”

From here on, I will explain each one step-by-step. I will use footnotes to explain the code.


/* First, we create a temporary table named 'OrderInfo' 
** to gather order information from January 1, 2020,
** to December 31, 2023.
WITH OrderInfo AS (
posts.ID AS order_id, -- Order ID
posts.post_date AS order_date, -- Order Date
postmeta.meta_value AS customer_id -- Customer ID
wp_posts AS posts -- Fetch information from the wp_posts table
wp_postmeta AS postmeta ON posts.ID = postmeta.post_id -- Join with wp_postmeta table to get additional information
posts.post_type = 'shop_order' -- Filter only the shop order information
AND posts.post_date BETWEEN '2020-01-01' AND '2023-12-31' -- Get data within the specified date range
AND postmeta.meta_key = '_customer_user' -- Specify the key to fetch customer information
CustomerPurchase AS (
CustomerPurchaseCount AS (


WITH OrderInfo AS (
/* We then create another temporary table named 'CustomerPurchase'
** to fetch product information based on the data
** in the 'OrderInfo' table.
CustomerPurchase AS (
order_item_meta_product.meta_value AS product_id, -- Product ID
OrderInfo.customer_id, -- Customer ID
OrderInfo.order_date -- Order Date
wp_woocommerce_order_items AS order_items -- Fetch information from the order items table
wp_woocommerce_order_itemmeta AS order_item_meta_product ON order_items.order_item_id = order_item_meta_product.order_item_id -- Join with the product metadata table
AND order_item_meta_product.meta_key = '_product_id' -- Specify the key to fetch product ID
OrderInfo ON OrderInfo.order_id = order_items.order_id -- Join with 'OrderInfo' table to get order details
CustomerPurchaseCount AS (


WITH OrderInfo AS (
CustomerPurchase AS (
-- Next, we calculate the number of purchases made by each customer.
CustomerPurchaseCount AS (
customer_id, -- Customer ID
COUNT(*) AS purchase_count -- Calculate the number of purchases for each customer
CustomerPurchase -- Fetch information from the 'CustomerPurchase' table
customer_id -- Group data by customer ID
COUNT(*) >= 50 -- Select only customers who have made more than 50 purchases

Set the Final output

WITH OrderInfo AS (
CustomerPurchase AS (
CustomerPurchaseCount AS (
-- Finally, we output the email addresses and the number of purchases.
users.user_email, -- Customer Email Address
CustomerPurchaseCount.purchase_count -- Number of purchases made by the customer
CustomerPurchaseCount -- Fetch information from the 'CustomerPurchaseCount' table
wp_users AS users ON CustomerPurchaseCount.customer_id = users.ID; -- Join with wp_users table to get email information


After executing all of these queries, we can obtain the information we need. Not too difficult, right?

result example

Full Query

-- First, we create a temporary table named 'OrderInfo' to gather order information from January 1, 2020, to December 31, 2023.
WITH OrderInfo AS (
posts.ID AS order_id, -- Order ID
posts.post_date AS order_date, -- Order Date
postmeta.meta_value AS customer_id -- Customer ID
wp_posts AS posts -- Fetch information from the wp_posts table
wp_postmeta AS postmeta ON posts.ID = postmeta.post_id -- Join with wp_postmeta table to get additional information
posts.post_type = 'shop_order' -- Filter only the shop order information
AND posts.post_date BETWEEN '2020-01-01' AND '2023-12-31' -- Get data within the specified date range
AND postmeta.meta_key = '_customer_user' -- Specify the key to fetch customer information
-- We then create another temporary table named 'CustomerPurchase' to fetch product information based on the data in the 'OrderInfo' table.
CustomerPurchase AS (
order_item_meta_product.meta_value AS product_id, -- Product ID
OrderInfo.customer_id, -- Customer ID
OrderInfo.order_date -- Order Date
wp_woocommerce_order_items AS order_items -- Fetch information from the order items table
wp_woocommerce_order_itemmeta AS order_item_meta_product ON order_items.order_item_id = order_item_meta_product.order_item_id -- Join with the product metadata table
AND order_item_meta_product.meta_key = '_product_id' -- Specify the key to fetch product ID
OrderInfo ON OrderInfo.order_id = order_items.order_id -- Join with 'OrderInfo' table to get order details
-- Next, we calculate the number of purchases made by each customer.
CustomerPurchaseCount AS (
customer_id, -- Customer ID
COUNT(*) AS purchase_count -- Calculate the number of purchases for each customer
CustomerPurchase -- Fetch information from the 'CustomerPurchase' table
customer_id -- Group data by customer ID
COUNT(*) >= 50 -- Select only customers who have made more than 50 purchases
-- Finally, we output the email addresses and the number of purchases.
users.user_email, -- Customer Email Address
CustomerPurchaseCount.purchase_count -- Number of purchases made by the customer
CustomerPurchaseCount -- Fetch information from the 'CustomerPurchaseCount' table
wp_users AS users ON CustomerPurchaseCount.customer_id = users.ID; -- Join with wp_users table to get email information




A web developer crafting online experiences. Also football(soccer) coach and Spanish Learner.